The long-awaited day had
arrived. Since Jesus had begun His
ministry, whisperings about Him had been heard all through the land of
Israel. There were people who guessed He
might be the Messiah, the coming Deliverer who was prophesied about in the Old
Testament. So when He got on a colt and
rode into the city of Jerusalem the week of the Passover celebration, when the
town was bustling with celebration and out of town visitors were everywhere, it
seemed like perfect timing. Everyone
around, a big crowd of people, were caught up in the excitement. They spread their cloaks and palms beneath
Him…treating Him with honor, like a King.
The long oppression of the
Romans…was it finally over? Everyone in
Jerusalem saw the Messiah, the promised Deliverer, to be a military hero…they
thought that Jesus would clobber the Romans and set them free from their
oppression. So they wave palm branches,
which were political and nationalistic symbols, like waving an American flag
would be today…and they cry out, “Hosanna!” which means, “Please save us!”…but
they are blind to their need for spiritual deliverance. All they want is their homeland back again. All they want is a Jesus on their own terms.
Jesus for His part is
deliberately fulfilling an Old Testament promise about the Messiah in order to
push the envelope with the Jewish leaders, so they would push things toward the
crucifixion. He knew that the Jewish
religious leaders would see His actions as directly related to Old Testament
prophecy, the prophecy that we read this morning in Zechariah 9, “Rejoice
greatly, O Daughter of Zion! Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and
having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a
That’s why Jesus
deliberately sent His disciples out to find a colt. He wanted to exactly fulfill Old Testament
prophecy in order to get the religious leaders’ attention. He knew that they would do anything to preserve
the little bit of power they had by cooperating with the Romans. He knew they would see Him as a challenge to
their power, and He knew that they would try to kill him, that He would be crucified
and rise again. Acts 2:23 says, “This
man [Jesus] was handed over to you by God’s set purpose and foreknowledge, and
you, with the help of wicked men, put him to death by nailing him to the cross”
(NIV). In other words, God knew exactly
what was going to happen…Jesus knew exactly what was going to happen…the Holy
Spirit knew exactly what was going to happen when Jesus rode into Jerusalem in
fulfillment of Old Testament Scripture.
Jesus was going to get Himself killed…at the hands of the religious
And so we are pulled in
and implicated in the crucifixion. It
wasn’t the secular Romans, the world, that was out to get Jesus…it was the
religious people. The Romans were just
the means of execution. So when you
think about it, that means it was us. All
too often, just like the people of Israel, we think that the problem is all the
people who are outside, those worldly people who don’t value old-time values
and old-time religion…all the while, we miss the fact that the real problem is us. And that truth hurts.
What is it that we do wrong? We have a
tendency to try to make Jesus do and be what we want Him to do and be. We
try to make Jesus into the God we want
Him to be, instead of the God that He is.
We want a leader who does
everything for us without requiring anything of us.
We do this in several
ways. First of all, when we—like the
crowd in Jerusalem that welcomed Jesus with palms—confuse our nation with God’s
Kingdom. The people of Israel just
wanted their nation back again. This is
not so very unlike those in the Church who spend all their time and energy
trying to make the United States into a Christian nation, as if God’s Kingdom
could be found in an earthly government.
Obviously, God cares about
the government and can use it to do good in the world, and we ought to do all
we can to see that that happens.
But…there has snuck into the Church an angry, fists-in-the-air,
defensive attitude towards the world…as if non-believers out there are trying
to steal "our" country from us.
What if,
instead of expecting the world to act like the Church, we acted like the Church should? What if we taught and
served and loved in such a way that people sat up, took note, and
began to ask us (as Peter suggests), “What is the reason for the hope that is
within you?” Yes, we are just like the
people in Jerusalem when we demand that Jesus give us political power and a
Christian nation instead of realizing that the Church often functions best as a
loving minority, serving and reaching out to a broken world. That’s how the Early Church worked!
We also act like the
people in Jerusalem when we praise God at Church but deny Him by our actions
the rest of the week. I think most of us
would have to admit to this. It is super
easy to come to church and sing songs of praise and act religious but when we
return to our homes and work places, all too often we treat our family and co-workers
badly. We act selfishly. We break each of the Ten Commandments. We do not spend the time in the Bible and in prayer that we should. We don’t care for the needy as we
should. We don’t forgive. We don’t share our faith in a loving way with
those around us. We are quick with the
Hosannas but slow to follow through.
The people of Jerusalem
were all excited to praise Jesus when it was convenient for them…when they
thought He would be a military leader who would set them free from Rome. But when He didn’t move fast enough for them, when He began to lead in a
more spiritual manner and didn’t take out the Romans, they quickly became a
part of the fickle crowd shouting, “Crucify Him!”
I see
myself in that fickle crowd too. For example, there was a time in my life when
I was going to school and even though I had always gone to church every Sunday
before that time, I found myself getting up on Sunday mornings and saying, “I’m
too tired to go to church.” And so all
too frequently, I wouldn’t go. I see my own times of faithlessness, my own following Jesus just when it
is convenient for me, my own confusing the Kingdom of God with my country…and
the many other ways that I try to make Jesus the leader I want Him to be,
instead of the God that He is. I try to
make Him bow to my desires instead of bowing to His will.
The bottom line is, we are
all implicated. There is no escape for
all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We turn away from Jesus. We are not faithful. We are His betrayers. We are the ones who will shout in a few days’
time, “Crucify Him!” We are the ones who
drive the nails into His hands and feet.
But here’s the good news:
when we face our naked selves and see the depth of our sin, when we see how far
we have wandered from God, our creative and surprising God takes even our
failure and sin and turns it around and uses it as a tool in His hand to save
and redeem us. Again, Acts 2:23-24 says,
“This man [Jesus] was handed over to you by
God’s set purpose and foreknowledge, and you, with the help of wicked men,
put him to death by nailing him to the cross.
But God raised him from the dead,
freeing him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to
keep its hold on him” (NIV).
God knew what we would do.
God knew we were going to kill Jesus. So
He took that very thing, that most evil of things that we did, and turned it
around. Jesus humbly emptied Himself, as
Philippians told us, took on our sin and the punishment for it, and then rose
again, showing that He had conquered sin, death, and the devil.
Christ came for you. He rode into Jerusalem for you, even though
He knew you were only offering convenient words of praise, even though He knew
you would desert Him when the going got tough, even though He knew you would
turn away, even though He knew that you would kill Him and not just with any
old death but with an excruciatingly painful death.
But He still rode into
Jerusalem for you. He did it because His
love is an insanely powerful kind of love.
It’s a love that embraces the unlovely.
It’s a love that pulls in the unfaithful. It’s a love that chases down the
rebellious. Romans 5:6-8 says, “You see,
at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the
ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for
a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But
God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners,
Christ died for us.”
He died for you before you
were a believer, when you were at your ugliest and worst. And He still loves you when you wander from
Him. He will keep chasing you down. He will keep pursuing you. He will never give up on you. Because you, you who are His betrayer (and I who am His betrayer), are
precious to Him. And He came to set you
free from sin, death and the power of the devil. To make you His own. To bring you out of the kingdom of darkness
and into the kingdom of light. To adopt
you as His child. And this giving of Christ
for you and for me, though we do not deserve it, is the very Gospel, the very
good news. Amen.