Saturday, December 31, 2011

Most Popular Posts of the Year: #5 A Toddler CAN Get Something Out of Church

For the next few days, I will be posting 10 most popular Flathead Mama posts of the year.  I would like to invite you to take this chance to catch up on a good buzz-worthy post that you may missed.  Please also drop a comment on the original post.  I'd love to continue the conversation.  If you found a post particularly useful to you, I'd love your help to get the word out about Flathead Mama: copy and paste the link and post to your Facebook page, Twitter about it, or post to a Pinterest profile.  

Thanks and enjoy!
 The #5 most popular post of the year shared lots of tips on taking your toddler to church.  I'm a big believer in the value of having your kids in church next to you, instead of relegated to children's church or the church nursery.  I think the teaching power of seeing Mom and Dad actively worshiping in church is very important.  It communicates to the kids that Mom and Dad think this is important--not that they just say it's important.  But bringing a toddler to church introduces its' own challenges.  People are always telling me how exhausting it is to haul their kids to church and how tough it is to keep them calm.  I'm with you, tired Moms and Dads...I'm in the trenches too.  It is exhausting some days.  But I really think it's worth it.  And I hope this post helps provide some tips.

P.S. If you're worried about your little one's noise at church, older folks are always telling me how much they love those baby and toddler sounds.  A church without them sounds a bit lonely.

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